Terms & Conditions
The content of this website should not be used as a substitute for professional advice or treatment by a trained healthcare professional.
The information found on this website must not and cannot be used as a basis for making diagnoses or determining treatment. I therefore urge all users with health problems to always seek medical attention. Thus, treatment should never be started without consulting your own doctor.
Eastwestflavors.com, including the author(s) behind the content, can in no way be held responsible – directly or indirectly – for any damages or inconveniences that may be the consequence of the use or misuse of recipes or information contained or provided on these pages.
All material on the website is the copyright of East West Flavors and the person behind, Dea Zoffmann. Content may not be copied, sold, distributed or otherwise reproduced without express written permission. However, you are free to print the material for your own private non-commercial use as long as you simply explicitly state Eastwestflavors.com as the source and include this legal information.
If you are unable to acknowledge the above conditions for using this website, please refrain from using the content on this website. Eastwestflavors.com, and Dea Zoffmann, are not responsible for errors and omissions that are due to circumstances beyond their control and which they could not have foreseen.
And with that I wish you a good day.